Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Twas the Night Before Landon's First Birthday!

Twas the night before Landon's first birthday, when all through the house
not a creature was stirring, just Bella (not a mouse)
trying to recover the balls
Landon had stolen and thrown down the hall.

Landon was nestled all snug in his bed,
While visions of the destruction he would cause danced in his head.
And mamma on the computer, and Mal typing away,
Their brains were anticipating Landon's birthday.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
PJ sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.
Away to the window, she flew like a flash,
Tore open the curtains and hit her face with a smash.

The glare of the neon on the melting snow
Showcased the red of Bella's frisbee below.
When, what to her wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature dude calling birthday wishes to hear.

This little old dude, so calm and cool,
She knew in a moment it must be April Fool.
As soon as she saw him, she knew it would be okay
Her baby boy would turn one in less than a day.

"No ear infections! no sleepless nights! no spit up and explosions of poo!
On, snuggle fests! On, walking! on smiles ,on hugs and being one not two!
To milestones reached! to ones still to come!
Now go to sleep! go to sleep! sleep till Landon calls you to come!"

As his first year flew by with lightning speed,
When his first birthday comes too soon, the year gone by don't heed
So many memories - sunny-side up, apnea monitors, and his many firsts
The pictures you've captured have quenched our thirsts

For seeing your little man grow each day
We love his sweet smile and hope that is stays
As she rubbed her smashed head, and was turning around,
From the hole in the ceiling (from the water leak), April Fool came with a bound.

He was dressed all in gold, from his head to his shoe,
And he suggested she forget about feeling so blue.
"You've done a wonderful job, with this little man
Your family is proud of you, wonderful mama to one little man.

I know you are sad to see him turn one,
but he'll still snuggle all close and pet your hair a ton.
He'll still think it's fun to not take a nap
And his smile will melt you and make you feel like a sap."

His words made her smile and reassured she did feel
That tomorrow would bring a sweet deal.
She would remember April 1, 2008
Landon James - time to celebrate

One year older, her boy asleep in his bed
A tear grazed her cheek, as her smile soon spread
No longer blue, but eager to cheer
The birthday boy and mama have nothing to fear.

Soon family and friends will come together
To see Landon James, still light as a feather.
Once in his life, he only turns one
So rise up mama and show off your son

April Fool soon left for he had a busy day ahead,
the tricksters and fools were soon awaking from their beds.
But she heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight
Happy Birthday to Landon!"

Monday, March 30, 2009

What Mom Wants, Mom Gets

Mom wanted a picture of me and not just my belly. So here is an updated 38 week belly pic just for my mother.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dear Southerners

Dear Southerners,

At 8:30 a.m., the temperature outside was 68 degrees. Why or why then are you wearing wool sweaters and winter jackets? Sure, there is a gentle breeze, but warm weather plus gentle breeze equals pure bliss. Even after the temperature continued to climb to near 80 degrees, you people were still sporting sweaters, jackets, long pants. What is up with that? I'm freaking dying in a short sleeve shirt, capris, and flip-flops. I actually saw a few people sporting shorts, but not enough. Not enough! If you want cold, then take a drive north. Check out Chicago, Green Bay, or how about Marquette, Michigan right now to find blizzard conditions. Then you can wear your sweaters and jackets and I won't comment on what you wear.

A Northerner living in the South

Tutu's Bliss Giveaway

Oh, to have this kind of talent. Check out Tutu's Bliss to see some amazing photography. And the best part is you can buy from her Etsy shop. Currently, Tutu Bliss is holding a Photo Prop Giveaway in honor of the charity auctions for The Children's Tumor Foundation.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

38 weeks

Too Comfy to Move

At least that is what I think my child has decided. Quite frankly, I'm thankful for this extra week because if you know me, really know me, then you know I'm quite the procrastinator. After learning I was 3 c.m. on Monday at my doctor's appointment, I really kicked up my efforts to get my classroom ready for a long-term substitute. Every day, I would go to sleep and wake up with the same prayer, "Just one more day." I can jump for joy (not literally) now that my lesson plans for complete the rest of the year, all 115 research papers are graded, extra credit projects are graded, 30 novel projects are graded, and my grades are posted and sent (I was even early on these...technically they aren't due until 4:00 p.m. on Monday.)

I'm still asking for "Just one more day" - at least until after Monday because it is a teacher workday, and I could seriously do some damage in organizing my classroom or even typing my students end-of-the-year poetry book.

Now we are just sucked into the waiting game.

Monday, March 23, 2009

3 Centimeters

Stop for a moment and think back to math class. Yeah, I know many of you are wondering why I'm asking you to travel back to a class that probably was your least favorite. At least it was for me. But trust me...it will make sense. Anyway, I was thinking that in math terms three centimeters is a relatively small measurement - tiny in fact in the grand scheme of things. However, when you change the perspective to a pregnant woman (me) who is now dialated to three centimeters, it doesn't seem so small. The goal is 10 centimeters. And with now knowing this little tidbit, I feel excited, but anxious too. Before knowing this, I was just going along doing my daily routine full well knowing that I am considered full term and could go into labor at any point. But I didn't dwell on it. I just knew that when she was ready, she would come. Now, even though it could still be over a week or two before I go into labor, I feel like I'm constantly thinking about it and all the stuff I NEED to do. Now I'm always thinking about it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Used To Think...

Time is slowly slipping away from me. My to do list at school just keeps growing and even though I'm diligently highlighting the tasks I complete, it seems that I add two or even three for every one I can cross off. I'm also losing the battle at home as well. Well, today - I am not going to do one single thing UNTIL I finish my post for the Writer's Workshop from Mama Kat's blog. It is amazing to me how much better I feel after I just sit down and write, even if it is only for five or ten minutes.

This week I'm going to write about I used to think...

I used to think that I can do everything -
tackle that to do list one item at a time all by myself
happily throw it away
only to start over again
Now I know that -
It's okay to ask for help
(Thank you to my husband - who doesn't think it is only the woman's job to cook and clean.)
Now I know that -
It is easier to finish one thing completely
rather than start many projects
only to leave some unfinished.
(I hate the unfinished feeling.)
Now I know that -
It is much easier to cook dinner if you remember to take the food out of the freezer.
Now I know that -
I can't do everything
I won't do everything
and that's okay.
Now I know that -
I must make time for what is important
Cherish the blessings in your life
everything else is miniscule.

Monday, March 16, 2009

36 Weeks

I'm too tired to post anything else tonight. This picture was taken today: 36 weeks 2 days.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Daily Gratitude

As the day comes to a close, I am especially grateful for:

Warm Weather - Yesterday it was in the 80's here and today was in the 70's. Matt and I spent three hours down at the oceanfront just relaxing in our chairs reading. I love the smell of the ocean, the warm breeze, the sand between my toes, and the overall calming feeling I get from just being at the ocean. Plus, it's fun to people watch. I watched a little boy, probably about one-years-old weeble wobble around chasing a seagull. I watched another little girl, probably a little older - two maybe - run up and down the water left from the receeding tide. She wasn't even in the ocean, just a trench of leftover water. Her jeans were drenched, but she just had so much fun wobbling through the water. Matt and I also saw seven pelicans scan the water for fish.

Clotheslines - With the warm weather, we were able to hang up our laundry outside again. Fresh linens from the line smell so wonderful. It's sad that more people are not able or don't want to enjoy the real thing and are happy with fresh linen scented Bounce.

My husband - If I wrote about daily gratitude every day, I would write about my husband in each post. There is so much to be grateful for when it comes to him, especially when I read about some terrible situations other women are in. He helps with cleaning, laundry, cooking (His homemade gluten-free cookies are better than mine.) He pushes me to be a better person. He lets me vent just enough. He gets me to eat vegetables. Yesterday I ate cabbage in the homemade egg rolls I made, and today I even put coleslaw on my pork bbq. Holy Cow! Did I just admit to eating cabbage? He is my best friend and am so grateful that God brought us together.
Clothes That Fit - Being 35 weeks pregnant, finding clothes that fit is becoming increasingly difficult. Today, Matt and I went to the beach, and I wanted to wear comfy clothes that weren't too warm. I thought that would be easy to do. I thought I had warm-weather clothes that fit. I was so wrong. First, I tried on a pair of blue lounge shorts I got for Christmas. They fit, but then I realized I didn't have a clean white tank-top that matched. I tried on a different tank top (non-maternity) and barely got my arms out of the thing. WAY TOO TIGHT. I tried on a pair of capris that I thought would fit, but again....a no go. I didn't want to wear long pants since it was warm out and I'm already warm with being pregnant. I swear I spent close to 20 minutes trying to find something to wear. I settled on a skirt and a tank top I found with the tags still on - both maternity. I think I may have to go shopping for some warm-weather clothes.
35 weeks - Each and every day I am thankful for being pregnant and for an amazing pregnancy. I can't wait to meet our little girl.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ode to Camping

It's time once again for a writing assignment from Mama Kat. I look forward to these writing posts every week for many reasons, but the main was is simply to write for me. This week I have decided to describe a memorable camping experience.
Ode to Camping
Remember Amasa?
Hot, sticky, humid weather
No air conditioning in the log cabin
No breeze whatsoever
Just wearing sports bras
To get by
Remember playing spoons around the table
And laughing until pop came out of our noses
Jumping on the water trampoline
after hours of trying to get it actually in the river
Fishing for crayfish
Canoeing in the wrong direction on the river
and having to walk the canoe back
because the current was too strong
and the falls too close
Remember Dad stepping in the wasps nests
And getting stung many many times
His snoring
His LOUD snoring
All night long
Remember waking up
to find Melanie missing from her sleeping bag
Only to find her in the back room
on the floor infested with every bug imaginable
And then the next morning finding her
on the front porch
Poor thing couldn't handle all the snoring
Remember leaving a day early
Because we couldn't take the heat

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow in the South = Idiots Everywhere

If you recall awhile back, we actually had a snow day here when there was no snow. Yes, you read that correctly - NO SNOW. Well, today we got a 2-hour delay, but there was snow and lots of ice since it rained all day yesterday. Rain and freezing temperatures do not equal safe driving conditions anywhere. I just don't get it down here. I'd like to share just how ridiculous it gets down here when it snows. Remember, I'm from Michigan. This stuff drives me crazy. Absolutely crazy.

Heard on the Morning News This Morning:
1. Don't forget to clean off your cars completely this morning. Get all that snow and ice off before you start driving. (DUH!)
2. Drive slower. (DUH AGAIN!)
3. If you don't need to leave your house, then stay inside. (Do you really need to report this?)

The Idiots on the Road:
1. Southerners DO NOT slow down.
2. Southerners DO NOT know there is such a thing as black ice.
3. Most major bridges and roads were closed this morning due to icy conditions. I live in an area surrounded by water. Just think how congested it was this morning on those few roads that were open. UGH!
4. Southerners have snow A.D.D. (Yes, they have A.D.D. Instead of watching the road or possibly the car in front of them that they are about to smack into, they are wooing and ahhing at the pretty white flakes falling from the sky.)

Oh, and did I mention that about 100 buses did not pick up the kids as some bus stops. Yeah - kids were left out in the cold this morning. Wonderful!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Il Bel Far Niente

"the beauty of doing nothing"
One of the books I am currently reading is Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India, and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert. One short section is about the Italian phrase il bel far niente. And it got me thinking.
Doing nothing doesn't mean sitting in a comatose state on your couch for the weekend. It can mean a lot of things: relaxing in a hammock in the breeze, reading a book with your children, sitting on a park bench listening to the birds or watching the people around you, enjoying yourself at a coffee shop, taking a walk, spending quality time with your significan other, catching fireflies in jars in the backyard, watching the sunset, etc.
What happened to that?
Why are kids not getting home from school until almost nine o'clock? Why must they be involved in every single sport imaginable? Can't we just let them play? Why must five-year-olds be involved on sports teams, so that when they get in high school they will be the "in"? I just don't get it.
Too many Americans are never leaving their jobs. They may be clocking out and heading home, but the briefcase is full of work and the cell phone probably rings all night. Stop! Stop working 24 hours a day. I'm pretty sure you are not getting paid for all that time, and your family is probably suffering because of it.
Think il bel far niente. Take a look at your life. Can you find the beauty in doing nothing? Once you do you'll realize that you are doing so much more than nothing, and you'll be happier too.