Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Much Needed Advice

Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.
Matthew 6:34

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Demands of My Toddler

1. Shut off! (Translation: Shut off my monitor and my noise machine Mama. I'm up for good and not going back to sleep any time soon.)
2. Eat! (And this is getting oh, so tricky because most of the time we can't figure out what she wants to eat even though she knows.)
3. Stop it! (Not a fan of this one.)
4. Dragging the kitchen chair to the sink and/or digging her apron out of the drawer = I WANT TO COOK NOW!
5. Puffs! (Translation: I'm not eating what you put on my plate. I want cheese puffs.)
6. Handing a book to me = Read now!
7. *#!%&*(&^%$# (Translation: I'd love for you to tell me because I have no clue most days to what she wants, and her tantrums resulting from this minute detail are quite exhausting.)
8. Keys! (Translation: Just asking for keys = I want to play with them. Taking the keys and trying to open the trunk of my car = Get the stroller out and let's take a walk.)
9. Outside!
10. Up! (Translation: Either pick me up or put me on the bed to jump in the pillows.)

Monday, September 6, 2010


Today, I
  • made chocolate chip pancakes with my little helper Grace.
  • had to clean the griddle first, sice Chef Grace threw a handful of dry pancake batter all over it.
  • watched at least three episodes of The Wiggles.
  • read Have You Seen My Duckling at least 10 times along with Shapes, Five Little Monkeys, and Baby Bear Baby Bear What Do You See?.
  • took Grace to the zoo.
  • ironed clothes during Grace's nap.
  • did two loads of laundry during Grace's nap.
  • watched Ghost Town (and turned it off after 30 minutes) during Grace's nap.
  • made brownie sundaes with the help of Chef Grace.
  • picked Idaho potatoes, sweet potatoes, and a bag of red potatoes off of the living room floor (thanks Grace).
  • watched football.
  • held down my screaming child as I tried to cut FIVE fingernails and laughed when she yelled for her "Dada" to help her.
  • watered flowers with help of course from Grace.
  • took a walk (short one since Grace decided to start crying).
  • helped Grace decorate wooden lion, elephant, and monkey magnets with markers.
  • programmed my coffee pot for the morning, picked out clothes (mine and Grace) for tomorrow, and packed part of my lunch.
  • played on the computer.
  • started reading The Girl Who Could Fly.
  • loved every minute I spent with my daughter.
  • mentally prepared for the first day of school.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I Must Give Thanks

It seems like I've done nothing but whine this week. I haven't accomplished what I wanted to do, no time, too many meetings, etc. All this whining has covered up all the things I should be grateful for this week. So to start off my weekend that will eventually lead to the first day of school, I'm going to count my blessings.

1. Grace ran into her babysitter's arms on Monday morning. (Going back to work wasn't too hard, since I knew she was happy.)
2. Grace ran into MY arms when I picked her up Monday afternoon. (I needed that.)
3. I set up my classroom the week before, so it could have been a lot worse this week.
4. Smaller class sizes this year
5. College Football starts
6. Grace slept in today.
7. I've heard nothing but wonderful things about our new principal.
8. Hurricane Earl did not bother us. (I can handle the 1/2 inch of rain he left.)
9. The new teacher I am mentoring has some great ideas and is going to have a wonderful year.
10. Grace and I have had fun painting and cooking.
11. I love sharing my dessert with her.
12. It's not 105 degrees anymore.
13. I find it hilarious that Matt is fighting from singing along to The Wiggles. I knew it would only be a matter of time. Fruit Salad anyone?
14. It's a three day weekend, and I get to spend it all with Grace.