Saturday, October 24, 2009


Grace has had hip dysplasia since birth. Many doctor visits and ultrasounds later we were told that it still wasn't progressing. Yesterday, she had an arthrogram and was put in a spica cast. It has been a pretty emotional week. Just thinking about my little girl in a cast made me cry. Would we be able to do it? How were we going to do it? I'd done my research on the internet. Thank goodness for the internet, because without it we would be lost (more later).

Her surgery was one of the first, since she had to stop all fluids by 12:00 a.m. Surprisingly, she wasn't a fussy butt without food. We met with all the doctors before her surgery. They explained everything, answered our questions, and it was here that I requested her purple cast. The worst feeling in the world is watching your baby being taken through the doors to surgery by a nurse. It was probably best, I wasn't allowed to be in there. We were told she did a great job and handled it wonderfully.

As soon as she was in recovery, we were able to be by her side. I fed her Pedialyte and thanks to the wonderful doctors and nurses who couldn't and didn't put on her diaper properly, she proceeded to pee all over me. It looked like I peed my pants. Never thought I'd have to bring a change of clothes for me. Her singing glowworm kept her company during her CT scan, and I finally was able to get her down for a nap.

The longest part of the day was getting her fitted for her new carseat. We were supposed to get a loaner Britax Hippo, but Grace's legs were too long and her legs weren't up high enough in the cast. We tried many different positions, none of which Grace liked. OT finally had to go back and get a different carseat - one they rarely use anymore. She fit in that one.

Then we were allowed to go home.

Home. Home without the greatest instructions (practically none) on how to care for an infant in a spica cast. Changing her on her tummy, getting a bean bag, and diapering tricks were all found on the internet.

1 comment:

Jen Raiche said...

Well, like you said, thank God for the Internet! I will continue to pray for you guys!

God bless!