Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You Can Forget Trying to Fool This Girl

My Grace hates fruit. She'll eat any vegetable you put in front of her, but give her a piece of fruit, and she scrunches up her itty-bitty face and shoves the spoon away. Her swift movement usually results in my spilling the fruit.

She will however eat baby food fruit if I mix it with her oatmeal. And since juice is made from fruit, she doesn't drink that either. Even the watered down stuff is a no-go. To get around this, I make the oatmeal with the juice.

Tonight as I was making her dinner, I thought I'd try and give her tiny bits of peaches and cherries from a fruit cup in the cupboard. Grace has to feed herself at dinner time, so I thought maybe if she was feeding herself the fruit, she'd eat it.

Step 1: I put tiny bits of fruit on her highchair tray.

Step 2: She touches it, but won't pick them up.

Step 3: Thinking she wants her plate, I put the pieces on her plate.

Step 4: She touches them, touches the plate, picks up the plate, flips it upside down on the floor.

Step 5: After picking up the pieces of fruit from the floor, I try again. This was the first mistake.

Step 6: Grace takes the plate and turns it into a food frisbee. There was food EVERYWHERE. I found fruit on the wall, the floor, and the fridge. None in her belly though.

Step 7: Clean everything up, give her three pieces of banana. She touches them, picks one up, but doesn't eat it. She then proceeds to bang on her highchair (We have Matt to thank for this.). I give her three Puffs. Now, the puffs look just like the banana. When I looked back, all the Puffs were gone, and the bananas were still sitting there.

Step 8: Go back to giving Grace fruit in her oatmeal.


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Unknown said...

Your story is very familiar. We always tease that Jerzy "walks the plank" with food that he rejects. He's been my pickiest baby yet.

There's always tomorrow to try again!