Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Daily Gratitude

Today, I'm thankful for:
1. Lotion - for my itchy stomach
2. Good health - mine and our little girl
3. My husband - for way too many reasons
4. Job Safety
5. Funny TV shows - Big Bang Theory, Kath & Kim, Two & A Half Men, and The Office - great stress relief

1 comment:

Jen Raiche said...


I don't have your email address, but wanted to share 2 things with you regarding your pregnancy and the baby.

I highly recommend reading Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way. There are classes as well, but I don't feel they're necessary (just ask Nate, he'd definitely agree here =). The book helps to prepare you for what birth is really like (totally less dramatic than TV) and what your body goes through during labor.

Also, I'm not sure if you've thought about cloth diapers. A great brand that was recommended by my friend is "Mother Ease." I just began using some of them with Jerzy and am really pleased. I'm hoping to transition to all-cloth diapers soon. Let me know if you want any more info... =)

You're in my thoughts and prayers today.