I stumbled upon Ali Edward's One Little Word project by accident. Actually, I was doing my usually perusing of blogs, and something made me stop. I'm excited for this journey; however, I'm fearful I will continue to do what I do best...procrastinate.
So...what should my one little word for 2014 be? My gut reaction was gratitude, but that words seems to be my go to word and I'm thinking I need to push myself out of my comfort zone. Blessed? Positive? Give?
My word? Well, the word came to me in today's homily at Mass. My 2014 word will be serve. How can I be of service to others? How can I serve? Who can I serve?
Bring it on 2014.
UPDATE: We'll last night some new thoughts popped up into my head. I was dragged in a different direction for this word. I can still bring in some of my original plans but my new word encompasses so much more of my life for the new year.......CHANGE.