Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year Excitement

I have spent the last week contemplating resolutions plans for the new year.  Yes, I have made resolutions before, only to fall back into the same pattern within a few months or sometimes even weeks.  The tree and Christmas decorations are put away, but life can't go back to what normal was a month ago.  This year is brand new and exciting.  This excitement cannot diminish in a few weeks or months.  Not this year.  And because of this, there will be no resolutions.

One year, I did the One Little Word creative thing, but in typical me fashion, I stopped by the sixth month.  Now my failure to continue that creative process coincided with the birth of a tiny human being, but regardless, I want to do things on my terms and not a predetermined schedule. 

This year I am dreaming big.  And why not? I have only just begun writing them down, but they will be written down and visible.  And yes, some of those plans include the traditional New Year's resolutions because I am not going to lie.  I'm need to lose the baby weight from the baby that is going to have her third birthday in June. be continued due to a tiny person requesting cuddles on the rocker. Now if only I could get her to turn off Barney Christmas.

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